Corporate Network Security Solutions

As business processes have moved to computer networks, the security of information circulating on systems and systems has become critical. Serious infringements of information security that have taken place with the introduction of the Internet into my life have forced institutions to invest in this issue and develop strategies.

Security, however, is defined as ensuring that system users are not being thrown out of network networks, but that they have access to information that is defined by the right security policies.

Information is a security process. It is a whole system that must be planned and managed in advance in institutions. Any institution that produces information and aims to transform it into a strategic advantage must be an information security policy.

The solutions that Netsum provides to its customers in electronic environment safety are:
* Information security management service
* Establishment of enterprise information security standards (ISO/IEC 27001)
* Internet access security testing and analysis processes
* Check-point firewall software and hardware UTM products
* Authentication solutions
* Internet access security solutions
* Intrusion prevention systems
* IPS, SSL, VPZ products
* Content control software, Websense
* Virtual server solutions
* Anti-virus software solutions

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