Project Engineering and Project Management Services
Project engineering is a multi-faceted project that involves planning and scheduling, resource management, finance management, and the ability to combine technical knowledge, know-how and technical equipment in different areas required to achieve the project objective. the task is. At the beginning of the project; It is the responsibility of the project engineer to ensure that the work conforms to the plans, to ensure interdisciplinary coordination, to control the quality of work, to monitor the budget and to deal with the performance management of the suppliers.
Depending on customer needs, facilities and maturity of the project, project engineering may include making initial decisions on the purchase or lease of personnel, hardware and software, as well as the decisions of the customer who has already created the procurement or leasing plans.
With 22 years experience in project installation areas, Netsum Advanced Information Technologies has the ability to identify and enforce the type and scope of investments to be made in all areas from complex projects such as television broadcasting systems or nationwide communication networks to simple projects such as domestic data or safety nets.
Factory Automation AgJ Industrial is an integrated process of production measurement and control systems and is linked to the factory management information system. This means that the factory automation network is more than a technological device in general, but rather a difficult installation due to factory management.
Factory-built networking products have to be resistant to heavy external factors such as electric noise, dust, dirt, humidity, long distance connections, all day workload, wide range of temperature fluctuations. Taking these factors into account requires a very high level of experience if the aim is to identify potential problems ahead of time and to overcome them.
Outdoor Ethernet Installations: Applications such as road traffic control intersections, factory or mine communications, aviation installations and pavement facilities, wastewater treatment plants, underground stations and wireless data management can be given as examples of industrial ethernet installations.
Netsum Advanced Information Technologies in projects requiring open air systems is designing and implementing devices that have innovative design and offer certain features and options.
Surveillance and Security:Visual security systems have been increasing since the events of September 11. Public areas such as big city squares, air and sea ports and critical highway points, as well as the main infrastructures such as bridges and power plants, have gained importance as well as the safety of industrial and commercial points. Among the reasons for this increase are the economy and facilities provided for the installation and use of iP video cameras and data devices.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) concept of transferring energy together with ethernet While creating the iP Video Surveillance area, other needs and technological advances have given the sector new potential and productivity opportunities. Long distance transmissions and fiber optics are examples of these developments. Video signals usually have to travel over long distances of a few kilometers. Fiber optic cabling is a preferred option for such applications because it has a fairly wide bandwidth and is not affected by magnetic interference.
Wireless:The wireless network is, in fact, more than a relief, emerging as a necessity given the current business world conditions. Whether you are transferring data between a central location and a remote location, or delivering health services that compete with time, the wireless access network is an indispensable element of your network.
Innovative wireless communications controllers, access points and management tools are the industry's most scalable and reliable communications path, and the single most successful communication channel even in extreme network failures. Compared to other methods, a potential problem at critical times and points is solved using wireless networks it is much simpler and much safer.
Consultancy:It is also an important service not only as a after-sales service but also as a part of a progeny in terms of consultancy, maintenance of the new investment, and the like.
Project consultancy services of Netsum Advanced Information Technologies mainly have the following contents:
- Assessment and Analysis: The client is ensured to maximize the value of the infrastructure.
- Design and Planning: The customer can rebuild or design the network.
- Implementation of the Project Outcome: It is ensured that the product updates or the risks that may occur during the move out of the way.